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Word 2000
Word 2000: Solid, dependable, reliable. Like an old pair of runners. Much loved, but past its use-by date.
Basic concepts
Basic concepts of Microsoft Word: An introduction
This page, and those that follow from it, present the Basic Concepts of using Microsoft Word. For new and experienced Word users.
1. Start typing your new document
Basic steps in creating a new Word document and entering simple text.
2.1 Why you should not press Enter at the end of every line
When typing in a Word document, don't press the Enter key at the end of every line. This page explains why.
2.2 Why you should press Enter only once to end a paragraph
When typing in a Word document, press Enter only once to end a paragraph. This page explains why.
2.3 Why you should use one space after each sentence
When typing in a Word document, press the spacebar only once at the end of each sentence. This page explains why.
4. In Microsoft Word, use tables and tabs to arrange text
Don't use the spacebar in Microsoft Word to position text. In Word, it's often easier to use a table to lay out text in columns.
5. Use a bulleted paragraph style for bullets and dotpoints
How to create bullets or dotpoints in Microsoft Word.
6. Make changes, fix mistakes, edit your document
Basics of editing in Microsoft Word: how to add, delete, change, copy, move and format text. How to find and replace text. How to check spelling and grammar.
7. Use page numbering and let the text flow from page to page
Don't type in page numbers by hand! How to get Microsoft Word to put page numbers in your document automatically.
How to control bullets in Microsoft Word 2000, 2002 and 2003
In Word 2000, 2002 and 2003, you can control bullets by using the built-in List Bullet styles. This page explains how to use the List Bullet styles to get reliable bullets that you can control.
What borders are available for which style types? How can I format line style, weight and colour of borders?
Change the colour or remove the underline from hyperlinks in Microsoft Word
How to format hyperlinks in a Microsoft Word document to remove the underline, or change the colour (or the color!).
“Letters are missing in my watermark when I print”
Does your watermark in Word look fine on screen, but print as "D AFT" instead of "DRAFT"? Or "CON IDE TI L"? This article explains how to avoid watermarks losing some letters when they print.
How to create a glossary in Microsoft Word
Word has no built-in mechanism to create glossaries. This article describes several methods for creating a glossary using Word's built-in features.
Is your image slipping? How to get your images to stand still
Word has two ways to position an image: floating and inline. Most problems with images occur because the image is floating when it should be in line. This article explains how to identify whether an image is floating or inline, and how to format your image as floating or inline.
Managing Word
The CompleteWordCount add‑in allows you to see a full word count for the different areas of your document.
When you do Edit > Find, Word remembers the text you last searched for. I'd like Word to default the 'Find' text to the text I've selected in the document.
What version of Word do I have?
Start up Microsoft Word. Compare these pictures to Word running on your computer to find out what version of Word you have.
Interest: For beginners For developers For graphic designers For managers For users
Version: Word 2000 Word 2002 Word 2003 Word 2007 Word 2010
Created 12 June 2010. Last updated 2 August 2010.
Numbering, headings, outlines
How to create a table of contents in Microsoft Word
Two easy steps to creating a table of contents in a Microsoft Word document. Plus: how to customize your table of contents so it looks just as you want. And, 10 tips about Word tables of contents.
How to create numbered headings or outline numbering
How to set up numbered headings or outline numbering in Word.
How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Word 2003 and earlier versions
Don't use Format > Bullets & Numbering. It's not what you need. How to set up reliable, robust heading or outline numbering in Word 2003 and earlier versions.
How to number headings and figures in Appendixes in Microsoft Word
How to use the Document Map in Microsoft Word
The Document Map shows an overview of your Word document. It lets you navigate rapidly. It's most useful when you're working on a big document. Here's how.
Why use Microsoft Word’s built-in heading styles?
16 reasons to use Word's built-in heading styles. Word's built-in heading styles have "magic" properties that you can't recreate in custom styles.
Topic: Numbering, headings, outlines
Tags: Captions, Cross-references, Document map, Fields, Headings, Hyperlinks, Outline view, Paragraph styles, Table of contents
Version: Word 2000 Word 2002 Word 2003 Word 2007 Word 2010
Created August 2002. Last updated 23 April 2010.
Sharing documents
Editing a document that someone else has prepared: 6 tips for managers
Even if you don't create many Word documents, you may edit documents your team members have created. 6 tips on how to edit a document someone else prepared.
Hints for producing academic papers that you have to submit in soft copy
Students in universities and colleges sometimes submit assignments, research papers and essays as a Microsoft Word document. This page provides some hints for how to do this most effectively.
How do I control how a Word document opens from the internet or an intranet?
Microsoft Word does not control how a Word document displays in Internet Explorer. It's a Windows thing. Use the File Types command within Windows to control how a Word document displays in Internet Explorer.
How does Track Changes in Microsoft Word work?
There are four steps to tracking changes: 1. Tell Word to track changes. 2. Tell Word to display Tracked Changes. 3. Tell Word how to display Tracked Changes. 4. Tell Word to accept or reject the changes This page explains how.
How tracked changes have made businesses and government look foolish
Examples of businesses and governments that published documents containing tracked changes that they didn't want to be public!
What happens when I send my document to someone else? Will Word mess up my formatting?
Myths, urban legends, misunderstandings and confusion reign. Don't save your document if the 'Automatically update document styles' box in the Templates and Add-Ins dialog is ticked. If that box is not ticked then Word will not mess up your formatting if you send your document to someone else.
How styles in Microsoft Word cascade
A Word style can be based on another style. A style inherits the format of its parent. This gives you powerful control over the format of your document.
How to apply a style in Microsoft Word
15 ways to apply a style using the mouse or the keyboard in Microsoft Word.
How to detect frames in paragraph styles
In the user interface, it is obvious if a paragraph style has a frame. It's not so obvious in the Word object model. There is no built-in method to determine whether a style has a Frame. This article identifies one possible way around this problem.
The basic way to format text in Word is to apply a style: A Tip for managers
For managers: Word formats everything with styles. Controlling the format of Word documents using styles increases both productivity and consistency.
Tips for Understanding Styles in Word
Using styles in Microsoft Word is the best way to create consistent, well-formatted documents. In Word, a style is a collection of formatting instructions. Typically, a style is associated with a structural element of the document. For example: Title, Caption, Body Text, Footnote.
If you apply a style to a paragraph, and less than half the text in the paragraph has direct formatting, then Word retains the direct formatting. If you apply a style to a paragraph, and more than half the text in the paragraph has direct formatting, then the style overrides the direct formatting.
Specifying cover images for Microsoft Word templates
For graphic designers: about the best size and format to supply front and back cover images to be used in a Word template.
You can attach a new template to a document. But when you do so, you might not get the results you expect. This article explains what happens when you attach a template to a document, and how to achieve what you may think should have happened.
Tags: Copy and paste, Keyboard shortcuts, Macros, Paragraph styles, Templates, Toolbars, UI Customization
Version: Word 2000 Word 2002 Word 2003 Word 2007 Word 2010
Created August 2004. Last updated 27 June 2010.
What is the relationship between a Microsoft Word document and its template?
Describes how a document is based on a template, what effect the template has when a new document is created, and what role the template plays when a document is being edited.