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The creator of, Shauna Kelly, passed away peacefully on Wednesday November 16, 2011 after a long battle with ovarian cancer. If you are requesting permission to re-use any information on this site, then you may do so with appropriate acknowledgement of her work. If her words, thoughts or pictures have helped you, or made money for you, then please consider making a donation in her name to WomenCan (previously Women's Cancer Foundation).

About maintenance of this site – contact information

Lene Fredborg has taken over maintenance of in tribute to Shauna’s memory and in service to the community of Word users worldwide. If you find problems with links or other issues that prevent this site from working properly, you can contact Lene Fredborg.

Please note:

  • There are no immediate plans to update the articles on this site. However, problems with broken links and other issues that prevent the site from working properly will be handled.
  • Search on this site doesn't show search results but takes you to the home page from where you can navigate to the relevant content.