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4 ways to control page breaks within tables and table styles (for developers)
For developers: How to prevent a whole table, or just one or more rows, from breaking across a page. The Microsoft Word object model has 4 ways to manage, or prevent, tables from breaking across a page. Some of them work.
Front cover images in Microsoft Word report templates
In a Microsoft Word template for a business report we often need a front cover with a big image and text overlaying the image. How to do it and traps to avoid.
Created 30 August 2010
Managing pagination (or, avoiding page breaks where you don’t want them)
How to get the page breaks you want in a Microsoft Word document---and how to avoid page breaks where you don't want them.
Selecting or referring to a page in the Word object model
It's common to feel that you need to cycle through all the pages in a Word document and perform some processing on each page. This article discusses why it's not possible for developers to refer to a printed page using the Word object model, and some workarounds.